OSP - What We Do

Pre-Award Administration

在资金来源和提议的项目之间找到正确的匹配,从而显著地减少认知失调, is an important step in the proposal process. 研究和赞助项目办公室有一个经验丰富的专业团队来协助教师, staff, 与学生在成功的甄别和谈判所有的校外资助来源前奖励阶段.  以下是部分奖励前资源的清单:

  • Prospect Research -包括出版物和赞助商公告- ORSP将要求基金会, governmental agencies, 以及公司指导方针和资助公告,供全球十大外围足球平台利益相关者个性化使用.
  • Consultations, Technical Assistance & Workshops/Seminars - ORSP将提供专业发展系列,包括个人和小组培训和学习课程,以了解赞助项目管理的最佳实践.
  • Proposal Development/Review/Submission – ORSP工作人员将通过澄清赞助商的提交程序和解释与赞助活动相关的LU政策,协助未来和当前的研究人员与各种资助机构的项目官员就提案发展进行对话. 鼓励个人在提案制定过程中随时与ORSP工作人员进行咨询. 在早期阶段提供的援助可以帮助避免可能导致发起人拒绝提案的问题或解决可能延迟接受奖项的问题. 在回应详细的提案征集时,尽早通知ORSP尤为重要.

Given the complexity of some solicitations, 在准备提案的过程中,不可能预料到每一个可能出现的问题. 但是,ORSP会为以下问题做准备:需要哪些认证? How should subcontracts be budgeted and negotiated? What is “off-campus?” Is approval needed from an institutional review committee? Can sponsored funds be used for facility renovations?


  • High-level proposal editing and drafting assistance;
  • Budget preparation and proper costing;
  • 为空间和人员等项目提供后勤保障
  • 协助调查人员遵守任何相关的特别审查;
  • 协调分包合同和/或顾问的文件;
  • Preparing certifications and representations for signature;
  • 协调部门主席/单位/中心主任签名

Once a grant has been awarded the grant must be mangaged. ORSP的奖励后行政部门通过以下方式确保该补助金的成功管理:

Negotiation with Funding Agencies

ORSP reviews all award terms and conditions; in conjunction with the PD/PI to fully understand the technical aspects of the project. 与成本原则、付款、财产、知识产权、法律问题等有关的奖励条款. 亦会与其他个人/办事处(例如.g., Legal Counsel, Business Office – Special Projects.)

研究和赞助项目办公室在拨款的整个生命周期内为项目主任(PD)/首席研究员(PI)提供支持和协助. Once a grant has been awarded, the PD/PI, acting as an agent for Lincoln University, is responsible for managing the grant, 并确保及时满足奖励要求.

In the course of the negotiation, ORSP与项目总监/首席研究员协商。, administrators, and other administrative offices as needed. 谈判过程从几天到几个月不等. When negotiations are concluded, a Notice of Award is issued.


  • ​Submission of Revised Budgets
  • Standard Contract Terms and Conditions
  • 合同义务和有问题的条款和条件
  • Industrial Collaboration
  • International Activities
  • Nondisclosure and Confidentiality Agreements
  • Notice of Award

Performance Reporting

PD/ pi必须向联邦提交绩效报告, 州和地方机构关于财政和绩效状况的拨款.  Like financial reports, 绩效报告提供了PD/PI如何完成奖项目标的指示. PD/ pi应监督所有活动的执行情况,以确保满足时间计划, 已完成建议的工作,并达到其他绩效目标. Performance reports should describe the following:

  • ​Overall progress, 包括迄今为止的结果以及实际成就与该期间拟议目标的比较
  • Current problems, favorable or unusual developments
  • Work to be performed during the subsequent period
  • Problems, delays, 以及严重影响项目负责人实现项目目标和时间安排以符合批准预算的不利条件


Closeout of a grant is the process by which the federal, state, 或当地机构确定所有适用的行政行为和所有需要的工作都已由受助人完成. The three key features of closeout are as follows:

  • 提交所有最终绩效,财务和其他要求的报告
  • 如有必要,向上或向下调整联邦/州/地方的成本份额
  • 结清任何现金余额(预付给受让人的未支配现金余额必须退还或通过适当的会计调整反映出来.  Similarly, if cash is owed, the federal, state, 或当地机构应支付任何可报销的费用.)

当个人资料提供者/个人资料提供者在实质上未能遵守补助金的条款及条件时, the agency may, upon notice to the grantee, suspend the grant. 暂停可适用于全部或部分拨款. 暂停是一种临时措施,等待PI采取纠正措施或机构决定终止赠款.


如果受助人未能遵守补助金的条款和条件,或未能纠正暂停发放补助金的情况, a grant can be terminated in whole or in part at any time.